Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Justification of genre

Justification of genre - Thriller.

The genre we have selected for our film opening is the Thriller genre. We selected thriller as our narrative is of a hanging murder mystery with aspects of both horror and action implemented to create some interesting cinematography throughout the duration of the film opening. For our two minute opening we base the narrative on a typical thriller/horror cannibal story line, similar to 'Hannibal Lecter' but then on the other hand it will be filmed within the still of 'Drive' to add a modern thriller affect on the the classic film narrative style. This particular genre style is aimed towards males but we plan to make it appealing to both male and female views as if taken to full production we would cast a visually pleasing and attractive male in the character of the protagonist to further more create a binary opposite male gaze theory, attractive females to watch due to this particular cast members of screen visual presence but also we will avoid using this as a main approach to stray away from any misandry within our media production as i main focus is on the narrative, cinematography and specific genre conventions. Also to attract a wide viewing target audience and avoid only appealing to certain niche audiences we are going to limit the graphic nature and gore within the production and instead replace this with the future stated slight hints and clues to further develop the narrative and particular characters subtexts and characterisation. The characters will also have a strong bond on screen even though they will be portrayed as very different, they all are very moral and loyal towards this aspect.

Our film opening will include the following thriller aspects; suspense and excitement for the audience, urban/suburban location areas, an enigma where an investigation is needed to reveal the truth, violence, police/government, supernatural explanation of the puzzle towards the latter stages, the hero and villain share similar/same characteristics, a sense of injustice in society, an outsider hero with an isolated secretive persona, the enigma will be solved by the end of the narrative and production.

The symbolic codes we are implementing from the thriller genre for our film opening are going to be in the montage section with the highlights of violence and slight graphic nature within to create a clear thriller aspect to the opening and especially this section. We will also add genre specific technical codes by adding certain odd shots, like a panning wide shot of the protagonist in a drunken sleep to show their character link towards the genre from this wide establishing shot that is often used in thriller productions to develop character subtexts and establish them into the specific thriller genre. We will implement this and similar shots to denote the characters onscreen personas as specific to the thriller genre.

We have structured our film in a linear structure whilst strategically adding odd camera shots from all different angles and lengths to create a some interesting aesthetically pleasing visuals and shots, to make the audience feel uncomfortable which supports the genre conventions of thriller. In the editing stage we will incorporate montages with relevant sound to create dramatic effect and tension as it builds to a climax and that is our main approach under the thriller genre. Also in addition to supporting our genre conventions in certain scenes the lighting will be dim and not bright with a plain, simple background as we want the lighting to reflect on the main character's persona and unstable subtext mindset. Another point of our film under the thriller genre towards our climatic ending approach is that we want the audience unaware that the protagonist; John Wayne, is actually the killer of the victim but we are going to leave a few clues and slight hints to empower the audience because they will be able to make a judgement and therefore add a sense of dramatic irony as the audience may know the truth of the narrative whereas the onscreen character will be unaware.

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