Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Costume: Police officer

Police officer:

The character of the police officer doesn't have a heavy onscreen presence within our two minute opening but he is a very important character in the scene in which he makes an appearance as he establishes the scene further as a crime scene. For this character we had decided to dress the actor in a clean cut style with a police officers outfit. For this costume we will use: Police costume, badge, hate and a clean simple hairstyle.

Above on the left I have added a picture of a police officer from Google Images. I selected this image as the officer has a clean look and is clearly presented as a police officer which was essential for our film due to the limited time our officer is in shot within the scene. Also I selected this picture as the officer in the photo has a large presence and a tall straight posture which we would also like to implement as it will give our character a sense of power and therefore when John passes him in the scene it will develop both their characters and more importantly Johns as he will gain power from passing such a powerfully presented character due to his social positioning and large physical presence.

To the right of the previously stated picture I have added a screen shot from out two minute film opening of our Police officer character. In this shot it is clear that the character onscreen is a police officer. This is because the visuals clearly state or are heavily linked towards stereotypes of this type of character. Have this costume also supports our thriller genre conventions as it develops are enigma by presenting our protagonist with the previously stated power shift element which adds towards the journey of the puzzle solving style narrative which is key under the thriller genre.

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