Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Media presentation evaluation:

Media Evaluation:
I decided to do my presentation on the release trailer for Call of Duty Ghosts multiplayer mode. ‘Epic night out’ appealed to me because of its action filled sequences with a variety of interesting media theory embedded in the production.

In my presentation I used examples like the ‘Male Gaze’ by Laura Mulvey and the hypodermic needle model as the way in which the piece was produced these factors were very influential in my liking towards the piece as they shown and said so much to draw in a mass audience by targeting a variety of different niche audiences. Throughout the duration of my presentation I feel like I projected my explanations well to my audience and gave a brief but well described description of my reasons for liking the piece and what in found affective. One of my classmates told me that one thing I done well in my performance was using a variety of media terminology throughout as well as keeping their audience engaged in my talking and invested within the production I shown from some comical explanation. For example, I used some of my classmate’s faces on a picture to convey my narrative of anyone being able to play the game.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Summer Task 3 - Representation (how media forms portray events, issues, individuals and social groups) Misogyny in the media.

Summer Task 3 - Representation (how media forms portray events, issues, individuals and social groups)

One of the key principles underpinning the A Level Media Studies course is the concept of representation and the role the media plays in shaping our understanding of the world. Media theorist David Gauntlett argues that:

"Popular media has a significant but not entirely straightforward relationship with people's sense of gender and identity."  ('Media, Gender and Identity', 2002)

Essay title: Discuss the role the media plays in shaping our views and opinions on any one group in our society. Is this representation positive or negative?

(e.g. specific groups within gender, age, disability, regional identity, ethnicity, sexuality, class/status etc.)

The media plays a role in shaping our views and opinions on groups in our society in a variety of ways. The initial statement of shaping another’s opinion is a negative concept but within terms of the media they can give light and darkness upon any social group depending on their presentation to the audience. My example of a group in our society is women in the media. Women are both negatively and positively presented in the media but in modern times misogyny in the media is a commonly occurring theme. The role in which the media plays is the influential role as proven by the theory of the Hypodermic needle model. The hypodermic needle model is simply explained by the media producing something, for example an article in the Sun newspaper quoting that ‘all women are paid less than men’ as this has been produced in a public newspaper most of the reading audience do not question the quote and believe it just to its place in the media. This furthermore supports my point of the media have an influential role on society because the majority of spectatorship of any media believe everything they have been presented with. This influential power could be used both positively and negatively again but in most cases the media convey through their publishing’s false controversies and unproven stories or facts. Linking back to my example of misogyny in the media many women are publicly slurred by the media and are given a bad name or reputation from this as proven by my example of the hypodermic needle model.  Referring to gender and identity the medias role as the influential factor of people’s views and opinions is misused putting forth those of high social and economic class than lower. An example would be the way in which an elderly women of the social and economic class group A would be presented in comparison to a young woman from a social and economic class group of C or D. The difference between these would be major, even though they may both be presented to different niche audiences it is typical that he women of higher social and economic class would receive praise, whereas the other women would be slatted using explicit descriptive words. An example from theorist David Gauntlett would be Gender Diversities and this is a key point in the example of misogyny in the media as there are many more accounts of female negative representation than male, especially when the appeal to the male audience in most cases come to the theory of the Male Gaze by Laura Mulvey because men may only chose to pay attention from the placement of visually fulfilling women which again is a slur against women in the media as they are shaping the society’s opinion and views of women as a whole as they may only been seen in a visual and sexual non intelligent light. To conclude I believe that the Media fulfils a negative influential role in shaping our views and opinions towards women as a whole in media due to the lack of truthful coverage and their use as an eye catching sentiment of many media products.

Summer Task 4 - Media Institutions (how the media industries’ processes of production, distribution and circulation affect media forms and platforms) research.